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EMAC 2020 Annual Conference

One size never fits all: Exploring sponsorship effectiveness in successive generations

Published: May 27, 2020


Konstantinos Koronios, University of Peloponnese - Sport Management Department; Lazaros Ntasis, University of Peloponnese, Department of Economics; John Douvis, University of Peloponnese - Sport Management Department; Athanasios Kriemadis, University of Peloponnese - Sport Management Department; Panagiotis Dimitropoulos, University of Peloponnese - Sport Management Department


sponsorship; generations; purchase intentions


The scope of this study was to underline the specific aspects of positive consumer attitude and behavior related to sports sponsorship. Taking into account that numerous firms are targeting multigenerational customers and attempting to comprehend and catch the interest of these various purchasers, one more purpose of this research was to examine in contrast and contradict sponsorship-focused attitudes and behaviors, crosswise over various generational groups. ? quantitative method was utilized and a sum of 2,752 questionnaires were effectively assembled and analyzed by means of SPSS and AMOS. According to the results, factors such as attachment to the team, sport involvement and social media usage found to have a significant effect on fans’ awareness of sponsors. Moreover, results indicated a significant impact of awareness of sponsors on fans’ attitude and purchase intentions toward sponsors. At last, the results demonstrated critical differences in regard to fans' generational cohort, in connection to sponsorship. This is a novel research since it indicates the persuasive role of age groups on sponsorship's efficiency